
Shipping times within New Zealand are estimated to be between 1-5 days (depending on where you’re located in New Zealand). The courier companies we use do their best to deliver within this time frame, but sometimes they may take a little longer. These delivery times are therefore not guaranteed, but they definitely do their best. Should your order be delayed, please first contact the courier company specified in the tracking details email you receive.

The Artisans also ships to Australia, United States of America, and United Kingdom. Please note, no Yarns by The Artisans items are currently able to be shipped internationally — but keep an eye out as I’m in the process of working to make this happen! The Artisans uses New Zealand Couriers as our international shipping partner. Transit time are approximately 5-15 working days (excluding custom delays). These are signature not required deliveries, however proof of delivery is available from the courier for each delivery.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to email me: